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What is a Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES)?

The RSES will identify the Eastern and Midland region’s key strategic assets, opportunities and challenges and set out policy responses to ensure that people’s needs – such as access to housing, jobs, ease of travel and overall well-being – are met, up to 2030 and beyond.

The RSES provides a:

  • Spatial Strategy – to manage future growth and ensure the creation of healthy and attractive places to live, work, study, visit and invest in.
  • Economic Strategy – that builds on our strengths to sustain a strong economy and support the creation of quality jobs that ensure a good living standard for all.
  • Metropolitan Plan – to ensure a supply of strategic development areas for the sustainable growth and continued sucess and competitiveness of the Dublin metropolitan area.
  • Investment Framework – to prioritise the delivery of key enabling infrastructure and services by government and state agencies.
  • Climate Action Strategy – to accelerate climate action, ensure a clean and healthy environment and to promote sustainable transport and strategic green infrastructure.

For more information and to make a submission check out –  http://emra.ie/regional-strategies/rses/

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