Suicide Prevention, have your say.

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‘Connecting for Life’ is Ireland’s National Strategy to Reduce Suicide 2015–2020.  The vision of ‘Connecting for Life’ is ‘an Ireland where fewer lives are lost through suicide and where communities and individuals are empowered to improve their mental health and well-being’.

The goals are:

–        To facilitate a better understanding of suicidal behaviour, mental health and well-being.

–        To support communities capacity to prevent and respond to suicidal behaviour

–        To target approaches to reduce suicidal behaviour and improve mental health amongst those vulnerable to suicide

–        To enhance accessibility, consistency, care pathways and integration of services for people vulnerable to suicide behaviour

–        To ensure safe and high quality services for people vulnerable to suicide

–        To reduce and restrict access to means of suicidal behaviour

–        To improve surveillance, evaluation and high quality research relating to suicidal behaviour.  

The HSE, in partnership with community, voluntary and statutory organisations including the county councils, is now seeking to develop a Suicide Prevention Action Plan for the counties, Louth and Meath which will be based on the same vision, goals, objectives and measurable outcomes as the national strategy as outlined above. This process commenced in April 2017 and will be completed in January 2018 with the launch of a strategy.

A key part of the development of the Action Plans is to provide an opportunity for members of the public and service providers to have their say regarding what should be included.

To take part please click on the link below


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